200/500 & 100/200 STAKES
Quad Aces(PLO):
Showdown Quad Aces with a pair of Aces in hand ( Min 3 Active players ) - get Rs.2000 Bonus Money.
Quad Aces(NLHE):
Showdown Quad Aces with a pair of Aces in hand ( Min 3 Active players ) - get Rs.3000 Bonus Money.
Bang On Target(PLO):
Show down Royal flush in 200/500 & 100/200 Tables (Min 3 Active players) - get Rs.5000.
Bang On Target(NLHE):
Show down Royal flush in 200/500 & 100/200 Tables (Min 3 Active players) - get Rs.7500.
King High Straight Flush (PLO):
Show down K high Straight flush on the river with suited cards in hand (Min 3 active players) - get Rs.3000 Bonus money .
King High Straight Flush (NLHE):
Show down K high Straight flush on the river with suited cards in hand (Min 3 active players) - get Rs.4500 Bonus money.
50/100 & 25/50 STAKES
Quad Aces(PLO):
Showdown Quad Aces with a pair of Aces in hand ( Min 3 Active players ) - get Rs.1500 Bonus Money.
Quad Aces(NLHE):
Showdown Quad Aces with a pair of Aces in hand ( Min 3 Active players ) - get Rs.2250 Bonus Money.
Bang On Target(PLO):
Show down Royal flush in 50/100 & 25/50 Tables (Min 3 Active players) - get Rs.2500.
Bang On Target(NLHE):
Show down Royal flush in 50/100 & 25/50 Tables (Min 3 Active players) - get Rs.3750.
King High Straight Flush (PLO):
Show down K high Straight flush on the river with suited cards in hand (Min 3 active players) - get Rs.2000 Bonus money .
King High Straight Flush (NLHE):
Show down K high Straight flush on the river with suited cards in hand (Min 3 active players) - get Rs.3000 Bonus money.
10/20 & 5/10 STAKES
Quad Aces(PLO):
Showdown Quad Aces with a pair of Aces in hand ( Min 3 Active players ) - get Rs.500 Bonus Money.
Quad Aces(NLHE):
Showdown Quad Aces with a pair of Aces in hand ( Min 3 Active players ) - get Rs.750 Bonus Money.
Bang On Target(PLO):
Show down Royal flush in 10/20 & 5/10 Tables (Min 3 Active players) - get Rs.1000.
Bang On Target(NLHE):
Show down Royal flush in 10/20 & 5/10 Tables (Min 3 Active players) - get Rs.1500.
King High Straight Flush (PLO):
Show down K high Straight flush on the river with suited cards in hand (Min 3 active players) - get Rs.750 Bonus money .
King High Straight Flush (NLHE):
Show down K high Straight flush on the river with suited cards in hand (Min 3 active players) - get Rs.1000 Bonus money.
2/4 & 1/2 STAKES
Comp Points Ace:
Generate 35 VIP points in a day - get Rs.25 Bonus money.
Grind It Out:
Play 250 raked hands in a day - get Rs.60 bonus money.
Quad Aces(PLO):
Showdown Quad Aces with a pair of Aces in hand ( Min 3 Active players ) - get Rs.250 Bonus Money.
Quad Aces(NLHE):
Showdown Quad Aces with a pair of Aces in hand ( Min 3 Active players ) - get Rs.375 Bonus Money.
Bang On Target(PLO):
Show down Royal flush in 2/4 & 1/2 Tables (Min 3 Active players) - get Rs.500.
Bang On Target(NLHE):
Show down Royal flush in 2/4 & 1/2 Tables (Min 3 Active players) - get Rs.750.
King High Straight Flush (PLO):
Show down K high Straight flush on the river with suited cards in hand (Min 3 active players) - get Rs.400 Bonus money .
King High Straight Flush (NLHE):
Show down K high Straight flush on the river with suited cards in hand (Min 3 active players) - get Rs.600 Bonus money.